A few days ago we had a 'family' dinner where we got to let the cat out of the bag to some close family and friends before we shouted from the roof tops. It was such a fun reveal for us. We got a shirt for David to wear to help us out. All while my mother was in town visiting. :) David's shirt said "Only Child" (crossed out) with "Big Brother" written on top. So that my dad could be apart of the reveal from Colorado, we simply 'called' him on a Gmail video chat and told him that David had wanted to talk to grandpa. He did then I took over and Mike got David ready by changing his shirt. Everyone was in the kitchen and Mike told everyone that David had an announcement ... everyone staring at David waiting for him to speak ... my mom turned to me with tears in her eyes and seconds later Chad exclaimed ... HIS SHIRT! READ HIS SHIRT! The realization of what David's shirt said and not that he was going to actually say something spread over the kitchen and everyone started clapping and exclaiming. My poor dad couldn't see his shirt so I took over the computer and told him what it said and he yelled for joy. It was truly a fun way to share the news with our family.
We had our first appointment today ... The doctor measured and I was 9wks 1day. Therefore she changed my estimated due date (EDD) to November 20th, 2012. This is two days before Thanksgiving. :P We previously thought that I was going to be 10wks this week for my appointment. There is nothing that would indicate a concern although I’m measuring behind at this time. In fact it has everything to do with how long my cycle is and time of ovulation/conception etc. As we move along, if the length of the baby changes to suggest its progressed/grown and is therefore farther along than we thought they may change my due date (each doctor does this differently. Kaiser ONLY relies on the first day of your last menstrual cycle. My current doc goes off measured length of fetus. Neither are an exact science. My friend Amy has the same doc I have and she changed her due date twice.).
All looked great, the heartbeat fluttering away and so far we’re madly in love with our ‘gummi bear’. We’ll be checking out the 3 area hospitals in the coming months and trying to decide where we’d really like to (try) deliver. Valley Care, San Ramon or John Muir.
Lots to be grateful for and we definitely feel supremely blessed.
We love you all and are so thankful that we have you in our lives and the chance to celebrate such exciting news with you.
LOVE ~ Danielle & Mike (and David too!)