Friday, July 16, 2010

First few weeks home ...

The new Civello family is adjusting to our new life pretty well. We have our good days and our not so great days just like any family. But we've had a few nights of sleep and a few sleepless ones. We've been pee'd and pooped on; several times. We've had a few truly fussy moments ... and yet with all of this ... we've survived.

David is truly a blessing and a beautiful baby. He loves lying on your chest and will crawl up you if he's not comfy. He's holding his head up pretty well on his own and lifting it up on his own quite often (more and more every day). He's already rolling on to his side. And doesn't favor a side. He likes being swaddled in a blanket so long as his arms are free. He likes his bouncer when he has the hiccups. And the swing when he wants to chill out. And passes out every time he gets in his carseat.

It's been hard on Mike going back to work, he misses David all day. I try to make sure that David has nursed before he comes home. So that when he gets home and changed, he can have some father-son time with David. I *LOVE* having Mike home and spending time just the 3 of us. Whether it's running around and getting errands done as a family or spending the whole day doing nothing in our PJ's.

At David's first checkup (2week) he weighed in at 8lbs 2oz. So he's on track and healthy. In fact the doctor called him "perfect". She couldn't believe how relaxed he was the whole appointment. Even while you could tell he it was almost time to nurse again. So the doctor left us to nurse in the room before we moved on with our day ... when a nurse knocked on the door and asked if we could hear the alarm. Alarm? What alarm? Well the fire alarm was going off so we now had to leave as quickly as possible. A great team we are and we packed up and rushed out. Outside all the nurses came to see David. Even though there were two other newborns outside with us. :) So at his first doctors appointment ... we survived an evacuation.

We're waiting on his one month appointment (which will be at 5 weeks) ... we'll keep you posted.

~ danielle, mike and david

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