Monday, July 7, 2014

Civello Family trip to South Lake Tahoe!!!

Boy oh boy ... this was a fun trip full of lots of beach, beach, beach and more beach and we LOVED it!!! And of course we went trout fishing again!! I think we hit up the beach every single day we were there with the exception of the day we arrived and day we left. And the weather could NOT have been better for it. It was GLORIOUS!!!

This time around we got to spend the whole week up in Tahoe. Unlike last year where it was just a long weekend complete with rain. Mike and I went on 2 runs together. We went to Camp Richardson, Pope Beach, Zephyr Cove and mostly stuck around Lakeside Beach since we get access from the hotel we stay at. The trout we caught at the farm came out really great this year again and David actually ate some this time around.

There was a big SUP (Stand Up Paddleboard) Competition while we were in town so we got to check it out a little bit. Of course we went and visited Edgewood. Had supper in the bar and enjoyed some time with the boys explaining why Edgewood was so important to us. We had a little success in getting Caleb to nap on the beach so we didn't have to go back to the hotel for his nap. One time in particular was hilarious!! He propped up his head with 2 racquetballs so his head was stabilized. Cozied in and tried to roll his head back and forth to see if it'd hold and then closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. It was awesome to bear witness to!!

Caleb enjoyed the beach more this time around. It took a day or two for him but each day he'd get in and around the sand more and more. The last 2 days he was in his swim suit the whole time and running around the sand and playing in the water!! David spent more and more time IN the water each day and really had a grand ole time. We had a whole mess of games to play with while on the beach and we all had a great time playing horseshoes, baseball, soccer and building sand castles.

Can't wait to go again next year should we be so fortunate!!!

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